Sunday, February 21, 2010

Did that really just happen?

This morning Pax woke up all smiles and coos. It was so precious, and that is saying something considering it was 6:30 in the morning. So we laid in bed and had a calm feeding. Afterwards we were just laying there cuddling, looking in each other eyes. He was still so content and talkative. It was so precious, until suddenly an enormous amount of strangly familiar liquid hit and soaked my face, arm, chest and pillow. I was in shock! Pax spits up all the time so I am accustomed to frquent spit ups, but this was projectile throw up at its finest. After the initial shock subsided I looked at Pax, expecting him to start fussing or crying from this traumatic experience, but there he was laying there smiling and cooing as if nothing had just happened. Babies are so mysterious! Never a dull moment.
(Yes, Mom T. I know this is payback for all the projectile vomiting you dealt with with Preston. But seriously, why can't he keep it for his Daddy? You should have told me about this before I married your son. ;) )

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Aimee I really didn't wish this on you guys. My prayer is it is short lived and doesn't go on for months.
    Love, Grandma
