Sunday, January 24, 2010

Birthday Boy!

Seriously! How time flies. Our little boy turned 2 today (2 months that is) and I can't believe that not so long ago I was rubbing mommy's tummy wishing for him to be here, prepping toys and contraptions with batteries, and wondering how a cloth diaper was going to work. Now we are replacing batteries that have been worn out, washing cloth diapers regularly (and loving not having to buy regular ones every week), and rubbing Pax's tummy and head to soothe him to sleep.
We love him more than anything else and in 2 months we have seen him grow so much. The new developments are:
1. His intense interest in people rather than shiny objects. Don't get me wrong shiny objects are still near to his heart but I think looking at mom and dad is slowing becoming his favorite.
2. Pax loves to stick his tongue out. I know this might sound like a bad habit to teach him but it is one of his favorite ways to communicate with and play with us. We smile and stick our tongue out at him and he has been copying us. Yesterday, he stuck his tongue out at me real far to get my attention and it was the most adorable thing ever!
3. Bed time is now officially awesome. Every night we read 2 books, pray with him and lay him in his pack n' play. He loves it. He loves to coo along and move his arms as he watches the pictures. Then when we read/sing Snuggle Puppy* and he calms down and smiles and is ready for bed. So far (about a week and a half) he has never fought bed time, the next step is to make bed time last all night :)

*for those of you who don't know Snuggle Puppy, friend of ours introduced it to us and it is our favorite children's literature for infants. I would recommend it to any new born! No musical talent needed (aim and i are proof of that). If you are unfamiliar with it check it out today!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Football Drug

I've always been a fan of sports but never really a die hard football fan. I think I like knowing the stats more than I like cheering for a particular team (but "Go Browns!") However, this weekend I realized the true gem that football can be... an entertaining sleep agent. It has been a weekend full of chilling with my little stud on the couch downstairs alternating between Tiger Woods PGA 2010 for the Wii and all 4 playoff games. I've watched most of all the games while Paxton slept next to me. Nothing is better to him than a warm bottle followed by some noisy sleep (he grunts even while sleeping) while daddy watches entertaining football and eventually falls asleep as well. Below is some proof of our exciting weekend :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday O' Fun

We are enjoying a relaxing Friday at home today with two milestone accomplishments to celebrate.
Paxton had his first "play date". You may be wondering with who. 3 friends actually: a zebra, an alligator and an elephant. We have put him in his bouncy chair with his animal friends before and he has never noticed their presence before today. Something clicked inside his little brain today and low and behold he found his animal friends. He even played with them, which consisted of a bunch of punching and swatting of them. We hope we are not teaching him inappropriate social skills. If you are interested you can check out his play date below. (Warning: This may only be interesting for family, particularly grandparents.)

The second milestone to celebrate is the baking of our first French Onion Soup dish. Over the holidays we watched the movie Julie and Julia, the story of Julia Child and a woman who made all her dishes. This inspired Aimee to rent a compilation video of her cooking shows from the library, which in turn inspired Preston to actually make one of her recipes. So Preston spent the morning with The French Chef, via our lap top, following her instructions of how to make French Onion Soup. The end result: divine delight! Below are some pics highlighting his French adventure.
The smell of onions permeated our entire upstairs by 11am.
Preston's quirky inspiration, Julia Child. This is a picture of Julia's cooking show on our lap top as is was playing in our kitchen this morning.
This was the end result; cheesy, bread filled, heavenly French Onion Soup. It really was delicious and we have enough of the broth left over to make a whole other meal.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Little Bear

This was a cute video of Paxton in his new "bear" outfit. He is so much fun each day. We are really loving him and enjoy getting to know his every squeak and grunt!

Grandma was a little burp happy, that's why Pax wanted to claw her eyes out is she burped him again.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What is this thing called silence?

We have officially said good bye to all our family. Our last round of revolving door guests left on Saturday morning. We dropped Preston's Mom, Dad and sister off at the airport, blowing kisses from Paxton from the security check point. Sigh... the absence of family leaves us with mixed emotions. We look forward to returning to a schedule and quiet time, but it pulls at our heart strings to say good bye to our family, unsure of the next time we will see them. Overall, the best part of having family here was seeing them all love Paxton and having him surrounded by family. Preston and I both feel overwhelmingly blessed by how wonderful our families are.
The second best thing about having family here was utilizing their magnificent talents. :) Preston's sister and mom reupholstered a couch I bought at Goodwill for a great deal. Check it out.

The couch originally had a heinous dust ruffle as well but I forgot to snap a picture before they ripped it off. I couldn't be more happy with this little sofa. Aren't they so talented? We look forward to many comfy movies on this sofa. Our goal is to not get Pax spit up on it for at least a month. :)