Christmas is on it's way! More accurately, I am quickly preparing for Christmas in advance so that Christmas preparations can be done and the Holiday enjoyed once our little one comes. The picture below is actually Preston's stocking from last year. We have a tradition that we make each other a stocking each year. However, last year I procrastinated and never got it finished. I figured I would make up for it this year with finishing last years and this years. This years is already made, but I can't show it since it is a suprise. Our little one's stocking is finished as well, except for the name across the top. That is a suprise too. :)

We took a scenic drive north to Wausau and went to a Fall Festival with some good friends. Seasons and Holidays are just so much more fun with friends and kids! You can't tell from this pic but the colors are amazing here, especially the colorful trees among the expansive corn fields.
It must be a pumpkin inside of me, not a child!
Gavin was sporting his new winter jacket, camo style with the pumpkins. :)

Reily at one of his happier moments of the day. Poor guy, it was sunny but COLD today!

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