In the past 3 days my little guy has thrown away his car and nap nuk. (With a ceremonious, "Bye. Bye.") And tonight we asked him if he wanted to try to go to bed with just his teddy and blanky (really just as an experiment to see what he would say) and he said he did. (He has gotten a lot of attention for not using a nuk and throwing it away.) I could tell he was a little anxious and he held on to me a little longer than usual as we said goodnight, then he clutched his teddy and blanky tightly and fell asleep without a fight. I was expecting some drama. We'll see if he wakes before morning. I'm not ready to throw bed time nuk away quite yet.
I think this is way more emotional for me than it is for him. When he sleeps I think he looks so cute with his nuk in his mouth. I even like the sound it makes.
I remember delightfully anticipating M's divorce from the pacifier...I was so eager for her to grow up. But now with P, I'm finding it bittersweet because he's still my baby. He went to sleep tonight with just 1 (hoarder that he is usually with 2) so we're slowly working our way down to zero. Good for you guys! Hope Pax is still going strong!