We returned from the Desert safely on Saturday night. Preston left for Kid's camp this morning, where we will be picking him up from on Friday to drive up to the UP to visit friends for a few days. We commented last night that we weren't sure when we thought this back to back traveling would be a good idea- but so be it. Life was meant to be lived, right?
Thought we should share some highlight pictures from our trip before I get too behind and give up on this blogging thing again.
If we weren't at our conference or eating (I successfully got my fill of Asian food, Dunkin Doughnuts, bagel shops and good frozen yogurt.) we were in the pool, which averaged about 100 degrees. Seeing that it was around 105-110 degrees outside the pool felt at least a bit refreshing. The beautiful and relaxing scenery helped too. I love to sit out and soak in the sun but I could literally only take in a few minutes at a time. Pax became very acclimated to the water, even jumping in and going completely under water by the end of the week. As his confidence grew he discovered he could jump from the rocks around the pool.
Before our conference started we took a day to explore a bit of the Arizona desert. We went out on a hike that we started much too late in the day. We didn't make it to our summit due to the heat. But we did get a good view of the city and took in the beauty of the mountainous rock against the barren land.

This quite frankly may be the most ridiculous picture of me but it made us laugh. I totally understand why desert people wear head ensembles like this. They really help keep the sun off you. I was starting to get water blisters on my back (I had put lots of sunscreen on too.) so Preston let me use his shirt and tough mudder band to protect my skin. Did I mention how hot the desert was???
In this picture Jovian is saying, "Party Hat", referring to the small birthday hat that is attached to his arm. He truly loves this little hat and says party hat with a British accent. Too cute!
I'm jealous you got to frequent Dunkin Donuts! It's my fav so I'm glad we don't have one in town. We used to have a Krispy Kreme (not my fav) but it closed due to a lack of business. Seriously, are people here that health conscious?!? Maybe a DD coffee and english muffin sandwich would change their minds... Glad you had a fun trip! Looks like it might have been a little hot :)