After returning home from meeting Aimee stood in front of the refrigerator and cupboard with a desperate look on here face. After much searching (30 seconds) she realized that there was nothing in our house that would satisfy what the baby was craving (I think it was really her but you know everything can be blamed on the baby these days)! That is when Super Dad (Preston) sprung into action. Super Dad - willing to go anywhere, at anytime to retrieve anything to satisfy the craving or desires of Aimee and the baby. His mission - to find and purchase large chocolate chip cookies and return home safely.
Super Dad raced to the store with his super powers on high alert. Once arriving he realized that this particular store had chocolate chip and chocolate chunk cookies. Dasterdly, the mission was a t a crossroads! Super Dad was up against a wall, the well being of the entire home rested on making the right choice! With a quick call to another Super Dad from Montana (Justin has been through this twice), Preston realized he needed to consult with Aimee so this missions would not fail.
Alas, it was chocolate chunk that would really satisfy the craving, so as quickly as someone can buy cookies and a half gallon of milk (that are convienently located on opposite ends of the store), Super Dad was returning home. That's when he got another call. There was a friend in need! Super Dad was on it, nothing too small or too large for him to handle. Our friends, the Johnson's, were going into labor and needed someone to watch their preschool age son.
Later that Night...
Super Dad has done it again. By midnight Aimee had had her cookies and milk, baby Tippen was happy, Piper Johnson was a healthy 7.9 oz, Mrs. Johnson was doing well, and Super Dad was resting in anticipation of his next mission.
Piper Johnson

~Written by Super Dad (akaPreston)
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