Friday, July 17, 2009

5 Months Along

Here is Aimee at 20 weeks pregnant. We are finally over half way there. The baby is not even one pound yet though, but about 10 inches from head to foot. His new favorite activity is pushing on Aimee's bladder. Aimee's newest favorite pregnancy accessory is the Be Band: It even keeps unbuttoned pants up! (Thanks Mom T and Ali.)


  1. Aimee you look sooooooo cute and we are sooooooo excited!
    Love, Mom T.

  2. Hi again Aimee and Preston what is a Be Band?
    I guess thats something they didn't have around when I was pregnant....
    Aimee, You look wonderful its so nice to see you always smiling...
    Love you all,
    Auntie Jan

  3. Wow you are still sooooo tiny!!!! amazing! i am used to my sister who gained over 60 lbs and blew up w/ the water weight! You look fabulous!
