Paxton and I have been enjoying our road trip out East to visit family. We left last Sunday night at 5pm and drove to Chicago, where we met my Aunt Liz and spent the night in a hotel. The next day we braved a 13 hour drive to PA. It actually went amazingly well. Paxton was a little angel and I loved catching up and spending so much time with my aunt.
We stayed in PA for a few days and then repacked the car, along with Nana's (my mom) stuff and headed to Wildwood, NJ; our family vacation destination for the past several years. Pax got his first taste of the beach, an outdoor pool, the boardwalk and well...the Domsohns as a whole. :) He enjoyed all of them! I can't believe how much of a trooper he has been and how easily he has adapted to the many changes. The only thing we are DEARLY missing is "Daddy". We skyped the other night and Pax was getting very frustrated that he couldn't touch Preston. He kept grabbing the computer excitedly and then looking behind it with a perplexed look. We finally had to end the call because he was getting so frustrated. Just a few more short days here in eastern PA and then we are headed to western PA to visit with Preston's side of the family. Preston meets us in Erie on Friday!
These pictures are chronologically backwards.
This was at one of our gas stops on our drive to Philly. Pax wanted a turn to drive.
Pax is such a cutie, Aimee. His smile is infectious. He looks like he had such a great time at the beach! It was so nice to see you both while you were out here - enjoy your time in Erie with Preston's family!