Well once again it has been too long since I have written last. We have had a couple of exciting events take place since the last time I have written.

The picture above is of a dinner we had the other night with some friends. It has a bit of a special place in my heart because these newfound friends are natives to Uganda and hope to return there soon after finishing Residency at the Clinic. Our good friend Carrie introduced us. It was such a special treat for me to talk with Ugandan's (I spent a month there in college.) as I have had very little connection to my experiences in Uganda since returning. On a side note, Pax broke his first dish at this dinner. Go figure it was at someone elses home and not our dish. I had him on my lap and was just about to dig into a creamy homemade custard and raspberry sauce dish when he reached out and flung the dish across the table and onto the floor. Awesome :)

For Mother's Day and Preston's Birthday we took a few hours away from home and Pax, and checked out a local park we had never been to before. The picture above just cracks me up because you know you live in WI when you snap a picture and there are cows in the background. Ironically we went to a park, even without our child. But that's what Pres and I enjoy doing. It was fun to act like kids again and take a momentary break from the parent role. We biked, walked, see- sawed, swung, and found our next camping spot.

Pax is slowly graduating to solids. He eats cereal regularly now and has tried avacados and bananas. He really likes to be a helper when eating. I try to get a few solid bites in without his help and then just let him "help" as much as he can. That is why he ends up looking like this.

Here is us at the park.

For Preston's Birthday Pax got Preston an iPad. Pax seems to be as enamored with it as his Daddy. His favorite things to do with it is watch it with his mouth hanging open, drool on it, and bang on it.
Pax has also cut his first tooth and is sitting up on his own. I will try and get a picture of both of these milestones soon.